Tips and Inspiration

Tips and tools to inspire and encourage your clients to measure with Firstbeat Life to learn how small changes in your work and leasure can have huge impact on stress and recovery balance

Organize measurement challenges with your clients.

Below you will find an example how to promote the challenge in client communication channels, email, intranet, teams channels, you name it. And after eact message there is a link to the challenge website. You can utilize the one we have created, or you can copy an paste the content to your own website.

Roughly one-third of employees do not have any recovery at all during the workday – what about you?

Example Message: Hi all! You will soon have the chance to examine your routines for taking breaks during the workday and find out whether you have recovery me during your workday and if so, in what situations.

You will receive our first Firstbeat Life challenge soon to help us all learn new ways to improve our stress & recovery balance and consequently increase our productivity through regular breaks. Over the next weeks and months, we will participate in a few small tasks to learn about our body’s reasons and form new routines to improve our well-being – stay tuned!


Utilize some of the concrete tasks to guide your clients

Task 1  – Do you get enough recovery during the workday? Take a Firstbeat Life measurement for a closer look at your routine.

Task 2 – Make sure to take breaks regularly. Aim to take at least one longer and two shorter breaks (lunch and ‘coffee’ breaks) and follow up on their impact by checking your Firstbeat Life results.

Task 3 – Take your pick of restorative breaks. Choose a break activity from the list below, take a Firstbeat Life measurement and find out if you can achieve more recovery during the workday.

Task 4 – Increase movement – reduce fatigue and pain . Let’s take a break from sitting.